What I Know to be True About You

Hi Sweet One,

I thought of you this morning as I was out clearing the branches in the 15 inches snowfall that we received in Colorado overnight.

Yesterday, we talked about 'clearing the branches' and saying a big fat NO to all of the things we are not.

But what about all of the fabulous things that we ARE?

Here are things that I know to be true about you:

You are so artistic. I love your creativity and ability to create such beautiful things.

I love your fierce heart.

I love how passionate you are about the things you care about. You make the world a better place.

You are so resilient.

Rachel Hoffman in Backyard in Colorado.jpg

You're a good listener.

You're a work of art.

You are brave.

You make me feel welcome.

I admire and appreciate how open-minded you are.

I love how passionate you are.

You are a genuine person.

I love how your eyes light up when we talk about dolls and teddy bears.

I love how you love to learn about new things.

I always feel like I can be myself around you.

Most of all, I couldn't imagine life without you, and I hope we know each other for a long time.

In Love and GIANT snowfalls,


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