One Week with Holland

Holland Diane was born on November 11th at 12:38 PM, weighing 7 pounds, 3 ounces. It was a surreal and beautiful experience to see her when they pulled her out. I couldn’t believe she was here! Since then, we have been on cloud nine, learning about her, enjoying getting to know her, and settling into our new life as a small family.

We were fortunate to capture her at 48 hours old in these beautiful photos taken at the hospital. Every nurse and doctor at our hospital was terrific, and I felt privileged to be there and learn from them. I spent three nights in the hospital and four days. Recovery from the c section has been challenging, but I feel better and better each day.

Before leaving the hospital I wrote Holland a little letter on social media:

Hi Holland,

It’s your Mama. Where do I start, sweet girl? One thing is for sure - your Daddy and I will always be your biggest fans. And we’re so excited and thankful.

Your Daddy Derek is on the way to pick us up and take us home. (I love it when he calls you sweetheart.)

We want you to know that you are accepted and loved. Truly loved. Not because of anything you’ll do or need to do. Not because of who you are or who you’ll become but simply because you’re our daughter.

I know you’ll read this someday, and I want you to know that I have never felt more beautiful than when I touched your face for the very first time.


Mom and Dad

Here’s a photo of us leaving the hospital. We have a car seat with wheels attached to hit the road easily.

The day we took her home, Derek and I kept peering over her every couple of minutes in awe that she was ours and she was here. She instantly became a part of who we are.

Grandpa was waiting in the hall during the delivery and visited the hospital during my stay.

Since he lives next door, he comes over for his Holland Fix every couple of days. We were almost finished with our dinner on this day, and he barely touched his meal. But, there was something on the table more exciting than food. It is a thrill for me to see my Dad enjoy her. "Look at those fingers; there she is moving again," he exclaims, tickled with every move she makes.

From bath time to bedtime, it’s been an adventure from the start. I couldn’t be more grateful for this space, and I feel such gratitude and thankfulness, even after the restless nights, slow recovery from surgery, and whirlwind of emotions.

It’s been a little over a week of Holland Diane, and I wake up every day thankful for the gift of motherhood. What didn’t have to be is now a gift in my life.

I am excited to share her with family and watch her do a wide-mouth grin with anyone who makes eye contact.

I am excited about her Christmas dress and her new fur-lined velvet boots that she has to grow into.

I am excited about her looking at the lights, and driving around our neighborhood, showing her my Mom’s favorite houses that she always asked me to go by on the way home.

I am excited to share her with you through posts, pictures, videos, and blogs.

Thank you for being a part of our story and loving our family. We will update you soon with more adventures from Holland Diane. She is visiting the doll shop next week - what an adventure that will be!

In Love and Dolls,
