It's that Magic that Makes You

Dear One,

It has been a challenging week with the eBay update, no doubt stressful for so many people because of the economic impact and the message it sends to collectors and patrons for over 20 years who helped build the website.

Wiping the page of categories for dolls, bears, miniatures, and many other major collecting segments leaves us all with tender hearts for more profound reasons than economic ones. As an early adopter of eBay, I know my Mom would have hated this.

Doll collecting is SO much more than a poor decision that a corporate giant website could ever make. And no matter what happens, we will forge ahead, link arms and stick together. We will adapt, find new ways, and most importantly, continue to flourish and love our dolls and each other.

Collectors like us have always been on the right side of history; we would never do such a thing that eBay did. We understand that our interests and love of what we surround ourselves with reflect more than a pretty dress. Our dolls tell a story about preserving history, and our dolls and playthings are a culture in and of themselves.

Not everyone uses eBay but many do, and while this is a bump in the road, today, I want to remind you to continue to dream all the dreams when you feel discouraged.

No matter how many heartbreaks you have, no matter how many times you fall…that magic you were born with, that fire that has propelled you to create, collect, sew, and dance - that magic is yours, sweet one.

It’s that magic that makes you, and if you ever feel like that magic is starting to fade, just look deeeep inside because you will realize it never went anywhere.

It just needs permission to shine again.

We will figure this out. Today, focus on the magic that is you.

Love you to pieces,


PS - I asked Derek to take a couple of photos of me at 35 weeks in my favorite place at the shop, surrounded by my Mamma’s favorite things, which are now my favorite things. Which one do you think I should get printed for the nursery?

Rachel Hoffman Doll Shop Turn of the Century Antiques Denver, Colorado1.jpg
Rachel Hoffman Doll Shop Turn of the Century Antiques Denver, Colorado2.jpg