Haute Couture is Coming Your Way at the Summer Fling

We have breaking product news from the Carmel Doll Shop, and you are the first to see the photos.

If you are reading this blog, you are ‘in the know’ about the hottest products coming to market, and these made me SWOON! How about you?

Michael Canadas and David Robinson of the Carmel Doll Shop and Grovian Doll Museum have been working day and night, creating incredible Haute Couture sewing kits and ready-to-wear Huret ensembles for the Summer Fling Attendees.

Summer Fling Registrants will be the first to be notified when these Limited Edition Haute Couture Kits are released for purchase at the Carmel Doll Shop Boutique. All are utilizing the same basic pattern are: “Maison du Chocolat” - “Train Bleu” and “Gare de Lyon.”

Based on an authentic Huret garment in Mademoiselle Mimi's extensive wardrobe, one which has already given you "The Bluebird of Happiness Dress", among others, is "Soirée de Musique." Created from luxurious silk brocade that includes shimmering golden threads, photos alone do not do this ensemble justice.

Please note that this ensemble will be available only in classic size 4 - suitable for your genuine antique Hurets and other fine enfantine-era antique dolls who stand 17-18" in height.

This ready-to-wear ensemble, plus many more exciting items, will debut at the Carmel Doll Shop Boutique during the Virtual Doll Convention's "Summer Fling."

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huret in lavender.jpg

It looks like the Dancing Boys aren't the only thing that will get your blood flowing during the Summer Fling. These products, plus the Salesroom, and so many more exciting opportunities are in store for you.

The Grovian Doll Museum is generously sponsoring the Summer Fling content, the I can't wait to see what surprises are in store for all of us. We are counting the days! Make sure to register if you have not. You just don’t want to miss ANY of this.