20k Subscribers on YouTube!

The other day, we hit 20k subscribers on YouTube. While my account was never about the numbers, it feels surreal to think that so many people actively choose to follow along.

Maybe for the dolls, maybe for Holland Diane, for the adventures or the learning, or because we sometimes think we are funny? (We are pretty entertaining!)

For whatever reason you follow us, I am so grateful for you. I love connecting with all of you through comments or messages, through the sweet doll community we have built together - and yes, I mean together, because if it were just me, this account wouldn't be here today.

So for those who have been following for a while, those who remember the shaky videos when I was out there in the doll world midst, not knowing at all what I was doing but trying to make it happen - thank you! We all start somewhere, and I appreciate seeing those early videos from time to time to remind me how far I have come.

And if you have just started following, thank you, too!

Let's keep doing our dolls and loving each other; we are great at it, don't you think?